Art for MCR Project

Submit your bee artwork to be part of our Art for MCR mural, to mark the 8 year anniversary of the Manchester Arena Attack.

2557 Days

Our 2024 Project - '2557 Days'. Find out what the project was, why it was created, and sign up to receive a bracelet if you missed out.

OLM Coventry

Read about our first project that took place at Harry Styles' Love On Tour Coventry concerts on May 22nd and May 23rd, 2023.

If you were affected by terrorism...

There is no shame in getting help after an attack, no matter how it is affecting you or how long it's been since it happened.

Preventing Terrorism

Reporting suspicious behaviour won't ruin lives, but it may save them. Find resources below on how you can prevent terrorism, what to do if somebody you know is being radicalised, and how to keep yourself safe at events.

Eilidh's Trust

Eilidh's Trust raises funds to further musical education for children in rural areas, and maintain Eilidh MacLeod's memorials.

Charities and Causes

Please use the buttons below to donate even just a small amount to the many charities supporting people affected by terrorism and PTSD, or raising funds in memory of the Manchester Attack victims.

News Features

Here you can find all of our news coverage about the things we do, the projects we've made or commentary on current events from our founder Lyric.

About Us

We are a small team of survivors and people affected by the attack, passionate about bringing awareness to the events of May 22nd, 2017. Through public projects, charity events and terrorism awareness movements, we advocate for the proper support for terrorism survivors and the proper handling of terrorism risk.

Contact Us

We aim to respond to all enquiries within 7 days.
For media enquiries, please email only.

Art for MCR Project

For the 8th anniversary of the Manchester Arena Attack, we will be creating a huge collage mural of bees made from artwork created by people across the world, connecting us all together. The mural will act as a powerful reminder of how many people still hold the attack victims and survivors in their hearts, and an impactful visual of the effects the attack has left on Manchester and the world. It will be displayed on May 22, 2025 at Manchester Victoria memorial and will be archived digitally for preservation and worldwide viewing. Submit your artwork below. Submissions close May 1st.

Artwork Submission Guidelines

We accept any artwork, from people at any age or skill level. The artwork can be a simple drawing or an abstract piece, there is only one rule - make sure it's a bee! We can also accept other creative forms of work like poems, song lyrics, photographs or general crafts - they just need to be bee themed. There is also no limit to how many artworks you can submit. If you feel creative enough to make multiple, please send them to us! Please make sure your photo is high quality and well lit, so your artwork can be appreciated fully! Please avoid submitting AI art, as the human participation and the mural bringing everybody together is an important part of this project, and as always please avoid vulgarity or distressing imagery such as blood, death, etc.

Physical Artwork Submissions

If your artwork is something that is better appreciated in person rather than taking a photo of it, for example a sculpture, embroidery, beading, bracelet, flower, etc. we are happy to accept these through the mail! Please submit a form below or email us, and we will contact you with the best address to ship to.

The 2557 Days Project

For the 7th anniversary of the Manchester Arena Attack, we gave away 2557 friendship bracelets made by people across the world. Each bracelet represented one day since the attack, a day of loss and love and pain and strength for those affected. Every bracelet's attached QR code linked to resources for survivors of terrorism and terrorism prevention.

Missed out or couldn't get down to Manchester on the 22nd? Sign up to be entered in a random draw to receive some spare bracelets in the mail - totally free of charge.

How were the bracelets given away?

Bracelets were given away for free as random acts of kindness in and around Manchester City Centre on May 22nd (including at the Glade Of Light and Victoria Station memorials).

Why bracelets?

"Bracelet trading is an evergrowing part of concert culture and is becoming a staple within fandoms. It's one concert tradition that I know Eilidh would have loved and it pains me that she isn't here to experience it. It was an honour to spread the joy of bracelet trading throughout Manchester in her memory."
- Lyric H, One Love Manchester Project Founder

The 2557 Days Project

For the 7th anniversary of the Manchester Arena Attack, we have given away 2557 friendship bracelets - one bracelet to represent one day since the attack. Please wear your bracelet with pride, as a symbol of the love Manchester has shown in the face of evil, in remembrance of the victims, and in celebration of survivors' strength.Below are many links to places you can get help if you were affected, learn about terrorism prevention, donate to charities relevant to the Manchester Arena attack and read FAQs.

If You Were Affected

There is no shame in getting help after the attack, no matter how it affected you or how long it's been since it happened. These are a handful of resources that we have found helpful, and we hope you also find them of use.

Learn About Terrorism Prevention

Reporting suspicious behaviour won't ruin lives, but it may save them. Find resources below on how you can prevent terrorism, what to do if somebody you know is being radicalised, and how to keep yourself safe at events.


Please use the buttons below to donate even just a small amount to the many charities supporting people affected by terrorism or raising funds in memory of the attack victims.
The one closest to our hearts, Eilidh's Trust, raises funds to further musical education for children in rural areas, and maintain Eilidh's memorials.

Find Out More


What is the tag on the bracelet for?

That's the tag that brought you here! It's important for us to get the word out there about helpful support resources and educate people on terrorism prevention. There is also a number on your tag - this is what number your bracelet is! Each number represents one day between now and when the attack happened, and this day could have been a victim's birthday, a previous anniversary, a day of progress in the healing journey of a survivor - wear your number with pride! (That being said, we do encourage you to remove the tag for a more comfortable experience. If you choose not to keep the tag, please recycle it.)

How do I care for my bracelet?

Make sure to take the bracelet off while showering to avoid damage, and be careful when putting it on or removing it. If your bracelet does snap, we encourage you to save the beads and restring the bracelet using any thread or elastic. If you don't want to or can't fix it, please leave the beads at any Manchester Attack memorial (if possible). If you no longer want your bracelet, please pass it on to a loved one, trade it at a concert or donate it to a charity shop - please keep the memory going.

Why did you choose bracelets?

Bracelet trading is an evergrowing staple in concert culture, and with music at the heart of what happened in Manchester, we wanted to reflect that sense of community in this project - to bring people together and unite through music and concerts.

What does the phrase on my bracelet mean?

The bracelets were all inspired by things close to the attack, or things that the victims loved, from the colours to the phrases on the bracelets. Popular ones include TPWK (Treat People With Kindness, a Harry Styles trademark), Fearless (a Taylor Swift or Louis Tomlinson song, both artists loved dearly by some of the victims) and One Love (the name of the benefit concert held after the attack). If you're unsure what your bracelet means, please reach out to us by email or on any social media, and we'll help as much as we can. Please be assured that after a vigorous screening process we have only included bracelets with positive and uplifting messages.

About Us

We are a small team of survivors and people affected by the attack, passionate about bringing awareness to the events of May 22nd, 2017. Through public projects, charity events and terrorism awareness movements, we advocate for the proper support for terrorism survivors and the proper handling of terrorism risk.

Coventry Arena, 2023

A concert fan project in loving memory of dedicated Harry fan and Manchester Attack victim Eilidh MacLeod, and the other 21 innocent lives lost on May 22nd, 2017 at Manchester Arena.
Find all of your information regarding the project and how it went here.

A message from our founder

"My friend, 14 year old Eilidh MacLeod, was one of the victims. She loved Harry Styles and was so excited to see him live upon the hearing his debut album. Her favourite songs were Sign Of The Times and Sweet Creature - but sadly, she passed away only 10 days later, at the Manchester Attacks on May 22nd, 2017. By coincidence, Harry did a show in Coventry on the exact date of the attack, 6 years afterwards - it was the perfect opportunity for me to memorialise Eilidh and our 21 other angels, and to make something positive of a day which brings so much pain for families across the country. Pink was one of Eilidh's favourite colours, so we turned Coventry pink for her."

What was the project?

During Sign Of The Times on May 22nd and 23rd 2023, fans held up posters of the One Love Manchester ribbon. They also filled the arena with pink lights. Harry Styles made bunny ears with his fingers as his own version of the signs fans were holding, and said: "Thanks for holding all those signs up, that was beautiful, thank you so much."